Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mtn Unlimited Free Browsing Is Still Working Sharp And Fast For New Comers (Magic Sim Activation)

This is for the late comers in the game of MTN Unlimited & Ever Lasting Free Browsing,  it’s for those who just want to lash out Mtn for no reason. Someone like me and others have been enjoying this MTN magic stuff for close to three months now.
Mind you, in the journey of MTN Unlimited & Ever Lasting Free Browsing, #250 risk is involved. Have had occasions where a guy subscribed for the 2H plan for four consecutive times but it wasn't given to him; but he never gave up until he got his Sim activated. Recently, I received   lots of mail saying the magic sim browsing had stopped and can no longer be activated. To clarify your doubt, three persons activated their magic sim yesterday. 

You can still activate yours if you truly want to risk your #250
How Can I Activate Mtn Magic Sim?
  •  Dial *406# to migrate to MTN Pulse cost 0.0#.
  •  Recharge your MTN Sim with #250
  • Send 2H to 131 or call customer care to activate it for you
  • Once the 2Hrs plan is given to you, browse for like 15min
  • Remove the Sim and keep it for 24Hrs.
  • After 24Hrs, insert it into any device, then send reset to 131 and send reset again to 4777 and you are good to go.
So simple but risky. Should in case your #250 is being deducted without the plan giving to you; just call customer care and they will rectify the issue or return your money.   
Happy surfing free! 

So guys go ahead with the above steps to join club of unlimited surfing free and  Don't Forget to Like/Share this post with others.

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