Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to Speed Up Your PC Boot Time

I was with a friend of mine last week and i was to join a Client Online in the next 5 minutes, I lay my hand on his PC, power it ON and guess what i have to wait for almost 15 minutes before the PC can boot up completely, i was very angry that i have to call the client that i can no longer come online, so i got the issue / problem fixed for him with this procedure am about to unleashed to you!
The major cause of this problem is that the unwanted programs on the PC are starting up when you don't need them at a particular time! A good example is Yahoo Messenger, if you have Yahoo Messenger installed on your PC, and you Power ON your computer, while booting, Yahoo Messenger will also start running in background alongside other programs on your system and before you know, you computer will start running slow, lets get it fixed.

How to Stop Unwanted Program From Running On Start-up
1. Click on the Start Button and type msconfig in Run dialog box and hit Enter.

2. A dialog box like the one below will appear, Click on the Startup tab.

3. You will see some programs ticked. Those Programs will automatically Start Running anytime you ON your PC making it become Slow, Just click on the Disable All button and look on the list again, all the programs will now be un-ticked, try locating your Anti-Virus and the necessary one you need out of them, tick/mark them only.
4. Then click on the Apply button and click Ok.
That is All, you can now start to enjoy your PC, no need to wait for a Decade before your PC can boot up fast!

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