Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mtn Unlimited Free Browsing Mordered [Magic Sim Rest in Peace]

It look like MTN has started tracking down Magic Sim; I received lot of calls since yesterday and my inbox was flooded with mails of the Magic sim stuff not going again. A friend of mine who activated his own about a month ago lamented bitterly how Mtn wipe all his money today without any genuine explanation why they did that. Another pal of mine who activated his own barely 7months ago also lamented that his 32k sim was unable to browse throughout today.

 It look like MTN recently employed a China Hacker to track all free browsing sim in Nigeria. And
virtually all 32k Sims seems to have stop working. Now, the guy has already started with 64K sims and 128k sims. When he finally completes his job we will know what will become of Mtn Magic sim.
Meanwhile, my Magic Sim is still working fine without any interruption. I will therefore urge all  those whose sim is still browsing freely  to download all they can download this night before the China hacker will get to your domain.
One thing I know is that this is not the end of Mtn Magic sim. Loophole will continue to exist in all telecommunication system. Don’t worry guys, I will always update you about the latest info on Magic Sim. Just let be patient till China Hacker finished his work, then we will find another alternative.
Magic Sim Rest in Peace!

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